[Squeakfoundation]sqf-formation list

Gary Fisher squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 19:23:36 -0500

> "Just Do It" is oddly enough not a particularly appropriate slogan for
many of
> us, no matter how well-intentioned.

What more appropriate slogan could there be on a Squeak list than DoIt?  <G>

(Sorry for the digression, but words are my weakness.)

> 2 ) Many of your e-mails ( Cees, that is ) are showing up in my client as
> attached text files... the only way for me to see them is to go through a
> of extra steps just to read them, and then in situations like this when I
> reply I don't have the benefit of having your text automatically included.

Agreed.  Cees, if this is a matter of a setting somewhere, it would really
be helpful to set things to the more traditional format.  However, on the
general topic of the quasi-restricted list, I support the intent.

Gary Fisher