[Squeakfoundation]sqf-formation list

Cees de Groot squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
21 Jan 2002 08:48:10 +0100

Doug Way <dway@riskmetrics.com> said:
>This list can still be around for anyone to use for brainstorming and public announcements.  On the other hand, you could argue that we don't really need two SqF lists plus the squeak-dev list... the brainstorming and announcements could happen on the squeak-dev list, and we could get rid of this public Sqf list.  I could go either way on that.
We'd probably need to take a vote on that. Here's how I see the three lists
coexisting happily together:
- squeak-dev: technology, development of Squeak; futurology, where Squeak
  should be headed.
- squeakfoundation: organizational matters, politics, etcetera. Here, for
  example, is where we probably will discuss proposed bylaws for the
- sqf-formation: for 'SqF officials' to exchange working mails - which would
  otherwise go through private email with 10 people on the To: list - in order
  to have a public archive of what's going on (in that respect, I'm proposing
  to open things up rather than close them down, because a lot until now has
  been done through private emails with long To: lists).

My experience is that a lot of people don't care for SqF, they shy away from
mailing lists with lots of politics, so therefore the second list. It has been
sleeping for a couple of months, but go to the archives of when it just
started and imagine that stuff all happening on the squeak-dev list...

And the third list is just a sort of 'auto archiver' list, not a real
discussion list. If there's a general disapproval I'm more than happy to
remove it but the effect will be that half of the mails that should've gone
there will go through private email. I think it's neat to have an archive of

Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>
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