[Squeakfoundation]Re: sqf-formation list

Simon Michael squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 02:29:32 -0800

cg@home.cdegroot.com (Cees de Groot) writes:
> - squeak-dev: technology, development of Squeak; futurology, where Squeak
>   should be headed.
> - squeakfoundation: organizational matters, politics, etcetera. Here, for
>   example, is where we probably will discuss proposed bylaws for the
>   Foundation.
> - sqf-formation: for 'SqF officials' to exchange working mails - which would
>   otherwise go through private email with 10 people on the To: list - in order
>   to have a public archive of what's going on (in that respect, I'm proposing
>   to open things up rather than close them down, because a lot until now has
>   been done through private emails with long To: lists).

Hi Cees,

volunteers certainly get to do what they think best, but I'm afraid I
don't follow your thinking here at all. squeakfoundation is currently
idle, it's established and public and IMHO it is just the place to bring
all the sqf issues you mention above - at this stage at least. I advocate
splitting mailing lists as late as possible.

Just my 2c,