
Maarten Maartensz squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 20:29:08 +0100

Dear Leandro,

At 13:27 22-1-02 -0300, you wrote:

>Maarten Maartensz wrote:
>> True - but when I prodded the Argentinians to update their work so that it
>> does work in the current Squeak (so that I could show it to some
>> mathematical friends) I got no reply. (And currently I assume they are
>> trying to remain alive, queueing up to get a few pesos from the bank, and
>> awaiting the next Videla.)
>You are right Maarten and let me express my thankfulness for
>understanding our problems. Anyway I have good news. We are
>currently updating our MathMorphs work. Two foundational
>packages (Linear algebra and polynomials) were rewritten
>from scratch, a new Probability distribution package was
>recently born, and we have developed a Restricted Lie
>Algebra model that is being used by a homological
>algebra research group at the University of Buenos Aires.
>Moreover, we have prepared an updated and enhanced version
>of the MorphicWrappers that works fine in the current image.
>Right now we're running against the calendar to finish our
>next Squeak News active essay at time. We think we can
>update many of our MathMorph projects this year while
>keeping the continuity of the exciting SqueakNOS project. Of
>course all these plans are going to take a while because we
>are working on them in our spare time (we have "real" jobs).

Beautiful, and thanks very much! I also got mail from Luciano
Notarfrancesco, to whom I replied off-list (essentially to the effect:
Please take care of yourselves in the mess your governments have made -
don't let yourself disappear, as happened so many times the last century to
so many thinking people who offended their governments simply by thinking
as individual persons!), and I much appreciate your work - which I do
believe is both quite original, to my knowledge only possible in Squeak,
and very interesting mathematically and logically, and indeed, for what I
could get going also quite beautiful.

I will download all there is and hope to get it all going in the more or
less current Squeak and indeed to show it to some mathematical people here.
With what effect I can't promise - most of these guys are mostly
paper&pencil pure mathematicians, whose programming efforts go into Fortran
or Mathematica - but I'm sure they will at least be impressed as I was and
am that the things you have been doing can be done at all.

So my best wishes to you and your group in the difficult situation in your
country, and thanks for doing and having done all the work you did.



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