[Squeakfoundation]New mailing list request for Bellesqueak (CSOTD included!)

squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Mon, 28 Jan 2002 10:27:04 +0100

cg@home.cdegroot.com (Cees de Groot) wrote:
> Given the fact that you're asking the SqF for resources, whazzisgottado with
> Squeak, except from being inspired by it and stuff? I'm all in favor of
> handing out mailing lists etcetera to anyone who does things that are
> interesting (you might, for example, ask Cees de Groot instead of SqF), but
> I'm not sure that your project is aligned with the stated goal of the SqF, and
> therefore whether it is justifiable to burden future SqF administrators with
> this project.
> What does the rest of the list think?

Ok, a few simple personal points:

1. If SqF want's to be a good "buddy" with other projects that in some
way touch upon Squeak then fine. But that would probably be something
that SqF needs to declare openly as an intent. Of course, hosting a
mailinglist is a small thing after all, so personally I am ok with it.

2. If Cees (in person) would like to be a good buddy then hey! Go ahead!

3. If SqF for some reason thinks that this might be a project that
Squeak can benefit from then I would like to remind you that GPL isn't
"compatible" with SqueakL which means that "base Squeak" can not
incorporate any code coming out from such a project into the Squeak

I did not read Paul's postings in full detail so I might have missed
something about his licensing strategy. But I think he clearly stated
that he wanted to be able to "raid" both GPL and BSD based sources which
would place "Bellesqueak" in GPL land without possibility of dual
licensing (correct me if I am wrong).

Do note though that this doesn't mean that applications written in a
GPLd tool normally (depends on linking, and yes, given an image model
like in Squeak an app might very well not be able to be GPLd) needs to
be under GPL themselves.

Well, just a few thoughts.

And finally with a cherry smiley on top - there are too many words in
these postings... Paul? Code talks. ;-)

regards, Göran

<CSOTD>"How to open up a workspace with text from a file (silly how long
it took me to get this right):"
(Workspace new contents: ((FileStream oldFileNamed: 'ws.txt')
	openLabel: 'My workspace'