[Squeakfoundation]licensing redux

Mark Mullin squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 13:31:03 -0500

Just finished an article
http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,50037,00.html about how the Mono
project has adopted the X11 licensing terms.

The downside of "custom versions" could be offset by having some kind of
branding at the organizational level.

For the record, our attitude as a company is that we do benefit from what
Squeak brings us, therefore when it comes to software we create that does
not involve our core business but provides a service we need, it's in our
best interests to cough it up.  Someone else might pick it up and run with
it, and we just admitted we'd rather be a consumer than a producer.

However, we do want to protect our virtual reality core, it's our real asset
and how we make money.  I think the Squeak world can support the uneasy
peaceful coexistance of free and commercial solutions in the same space;
from our perspective we think Alice is very very nice.  But we also think we
can make our living on a more sophisticated package for a smaller audience,
but for that the license needs to protect us as well as Squeak.

So I put in my vote for the concerns that have been addressed by Mono and
wonder if anyone has any comments on the X11 license, since I spent grand
total of 5 minutes looking at it and IANAL.
