[Squeakfoundation]What I would like to promote

Bijan Parsia squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 08:25:14 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, ducasse wrote:

> > Yes. Celeste mostly, at the moment. It really needs to be split up, and
> > some of the classes it depends upon (E.g., MailDB) need, themselves to be
> > refactored. 
> So celeste could be  a good testbed for a refactoring process. Have you
> approach the celeste users and the people taking care of it.

There have been rumbles on the squeak-dev list from time to time ;)

> Could you set
> up a war plan to clean celeste?

I think so.

Celeste is also interesting because it has a lot of functionality that
even non-Celeste users might want. For example, sometimes you want to
compose and send an email message from Squeak, but *don't* want to be a
full fledged Celeste user. (E.g., mailing changesets/bugs/etc. to the
list). There are a variety of Celeste UIs, etc.

> It would be good to extract celeste from the squeak image, do a call for
> tests and lead a refactoring efforts. This way we could:
>     - have a better celeste
>     - learn in the process

Yep. And gain a few things in the process. Celeste's persistence mechanism
is a tad primative...but useful! If it can be made so that the *interface*
is relatively stable, but the storage backend and filter/query process
were registerable, well, that would rule :)

> I think that Celeste is "well" separated from the core so this could be
> interesting to try.


Bijan Parsia.