[Squeakfoundation]RE: Squeakfoundation digest, Vol 1 #93 - 8 msgs

Mark Mullin squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 10:32:22 -0500

OK, Cees seems to know whereof he speaks, he certainly calls our concerns
out clearly, I'm off to read the GNU Library license again.

I'd be curious if anyone has already clarified it's application to the
reverse situation, i.e. our VR engine is fundamentally a (great big fat
badtempered) plugin library for Squeak.  We have no problem giving away any
changes we make to squeak or any non-VR code, we just want to protect our
copyrights on our core library plugin.  Anyone seen how the LGPL has been
applied to this, say in creating 3rd party commercial libraries for gnu

Re the death of IP in general, Cees, I'd tend to agree, software patents
show how low we are sinking.  On the other hand, one needs to make a living.
And in general, if you give it away and ask them to pay if it works, you
