[Squeakfoundation]What I would like to promote

Dan Ingalls squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 11:07:34 -0800

ducasse <ducasse@iam.unibe.ch> wrote...
>I think that Celeste is "well" separated from the core so this could be
>interesting to try.

Hi Stef -

I've been reflecting more on this since responding to your message.  I completely defer to you and Henrik on which way to go, but I see a choice here:

Either we...
Find various small things that are pretty modular and do them first

Or we...
Take various big chunks that are pretty modular and do them first.

By "big chunks", I'm thinking along the lines of the various discardX methods in SystemdDictionary (like all of 3D, all of networking, etc).  So this would mean instead of doing Celeste, we do all of Networking as a chunk.  Then *later* we refine this and break networking down into Celeste, Scamper, IRC, HTML, PWS, etc.

I just have the feeling that it might not be much harder to draw isolation lines around the big chunks than it is around the little ones, and the payoff might be higher, in that it might *soon* be possible for mere mortals to perform their own versions of majorShrink, and have it really work.

As I say, I'm happy to go with whatever you guys decide, but I did want to call attention to the choice, and have you make a conscious decision.

	- Dan