[Squeakfoundation]Guide roles! PLEASE!

squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 10:11:26 +0100

Hi guys!

Ok, I have cleaned up the Guide role page a bit:


I think that page is very important - if we don't know who is focusing
on what then this effort will turn into chaos pretty quick. So, please
go over there, add/change/reove the roles and make sure YOU HAVE GOT
ONE. Ok?

Doug and I are confirmed. Ned, Craig, Tim and Daniel - please take the
time to do this, ok? Then you can all go back to hacking away... :-)

I repeat: We REALLY need to do this so that our effort doesn't seem just
like a bunch of chickens running around posting nice ideas on the lists.

Also note that I added a second role table below (we can move it to
another page too) that describes the other roles we know that non-Guides

regards, Göran