[Squeakfoundation]re: releasing SqueakMap

Doug Way squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 19:38:19 -0500

goran.hultgren@bluefish.se wrote:
> John M McIntosh <johnmci@smalltalkconsulting.com> wrote:
> >
> > Mmm I'm a bit slow on the uptake tonight. so let me summarize?
> >
> > 3.4 is 3.2 + 3.3 critical changes + (SM & fixes)
> >
> > Finalize that, then proceed to 3.5alpha
> >
> > Yes?
> Sounds pretty fine to me. Just as long as we give 3.4alpha a time to
> "rest" before finalizing. Otherwise we will not have a chance to clean
> up any mess we might have introduced...

This sounds roughly right to me.

However, in an earlier message, Daniel mentioned something about also having a few simple applications (Celeste, IRC, PWS, etc.) removed from the image for 3.4 once they are converted to packages on SqueakMap.  Do we still want to do this?  It might be nice to have in 3.4 as a demonstration of how the image is going to be broken down, but I guess it depends on how simple we want the 3.4 release to be, and how soon we want to release it.

There seems to be general agreement that we want to release 3.4 relatively soon.  Does this mean in 2 weeks?  5 weeks?  8 weeks?

Scott, since you are helping us with the 3.4 release this time around, feel free to chime in with your thoughts as well.

Also, I was going to solicit people on the squeak-dev list to suggest any important fixes which have been submitted in the last 6 months but not incorporated, so that we could harvest a handful of important items for 3.4.  (If I do this, I will do it tomorrow.)  Or should this wait until 3.5alpha?

> PS. Yesterday I moved SqueakMap to 1.04 according to instructions from
> Scott. This means it is now "extension clean" with regard to 3.2.1 and
> 3.4alpha. It also means that it will protest if being installed in 3.2.

Ah, that's good. :)

- Doug