[Squeakfoundation]Harvesting infrastructure (was Re: Order of business ...)

Doug Way squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Fri, 22 Nov 2002 01:04:29 -0500

On Thursday, November 21, 2002, at 03:43 AM, goran.hultgren@bluefish.se 

> Just a few notes. I IRCed with Luciano yesterday and the day before and
> I sketched out how the SM codebase can be used to produce a harvesting
> tool independent of SM but using the same architecture (with uploads
> added of course). He got very excited, sat down and looked through the
> SM code, liked it and is itching badly to help out on this!

That sounds good... I was thinking about this yesterday.

Poking around in the SqueakMap code, I figured out that the SqueakMap 
server code ("master"?) is also in the SqueakMap package, and that it 
runs with Comanche.  Looking at it superficially, yeah, it looks like 
you could modify the SMSqueakMap server to add support for 
harvesting-related stuff, like uploading files, and possibly things like 
emailing to a mailing list when a new package/submission is added.

And then writing a new browser/client UI for this is something I could 
help with.

> So Doug, perhaps we could do something like this:
> - Perhaps you Doug could list what you think the tool would/should
> do/need? On the Swiki typically. I can help also.

Yes, I will create a swiki page listing these things, which we can all 
edit.  (it's getting late, I'll do it tomorrow)

> - Then we look at what we got in the form of code and combine it into a
> nice tool. I could see the SM codebase in conjunction with Monticello
> forming a nice toolset. They complement each other nicely.
> - And especially, we could use Monticello to develop this tool in the
> first place!

True!  Well, whatever is simplest to get started, anyway.

> - And we hook up with Luciano of course.

Yes, if Luciano wants to get started on it, that would be great.  He can 
join in the discussion here about how to proceed, or we could discuss on 
the swiki page that I will set up soon. :-)

- Doug