[Squeakfoundation]Network stuff

Stephen Pair stephen at pairhome.net
Mon May 5 19:27:03 CEST 2003

Andreas Raab wrote:

>Hi Guys,
>It just so happens that I got (once more) bitten by some of the more ugly
>parts of the current networking code and it just so happens that (once more)
>Mike's Network rewrite
>a0cef) fixes exactly the issues I was struggling with. I don't know if
>that's up on anyone's sleeve but I would really like to see this stuff
>getting into Squeak, mostly because it means that for the stuff I'm doing I
>know I can rely on proper network behavior without changing its fundamental
>What are your current thoughts on this issue? The network rewrite has been
>around for a while now and leaving it at SqueakMap probably means it'll rot
>and die there with anyone having similar problems at hand reinventing the
>solutions he's already bundled up.

Sounds good to me.  Also, I would like to get the aspects of Comanche 
that touch on this merged with Mike's stuff (like SocketStream).  I've 
recently spent some time and made a lot of progress in supporting 
HTTP/1.1 (persistent connections now work! as well as OPTIONS, TRACE, 
etc...webdav is coming as well).  But that's all server side stuff.

It doesn't look like the Mike's stuff does much to HTTPRequest or 
HTTPSocket.  Am I wrong?  Is there an HttpClient?  I would like to merge 
those with Comanche's versions (but it can wait a while).  My thoughts 
are that HttpRequest/HttpResponse should take a minimalist 
approach...focusing only on reading and writing requests and response 
onto streams.  Comanche adds a bunch extra stuff to HttpRequest and 
HttpResponse that really belong elsewhere (and I'm minimizing them with 
each release of Comanche).  Comanche's versions of 
HttpRequest/HttpResponse have been more focused on the server side (so 
writing a request, and reading a response are not well tested)...so, if 
someone might like to work on getting Comanche's HttpRequest and 
HttpResponse to work well on the client side, and to write an 
HttpClient...I'd love the help.

- Stephen

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