conversion files and older projects

John Voiklis voiklis
Fri Apr 18 14:54:32 PDT 2003

I am using the exact same image (still in stock state)....oh wait, I think
we're talking about two different projects; the French Tutoriel that you
mentioned does work but the English-appearing Tutorial Workbook does not.


On Fri, 15 Nov 2002, Bob Arning wrote:

> On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 12:03:29 -0500 "John Voiklis" <voiklis at> wrote:
> >By asking for a specific example, I guess you mean to say that there is no
> >generic fix or generic process to fix this problem....Oh well. In any case,
> >here's an example of a project that I couldn't load (in either branch of the
> >latest Squeak): Given that I am in the
> >process of writing tutorials for my users, I have been scavenging for
> >examples and projects that I might reuse.
> John,
> I took a stock 3.2 (4956) image and loaded the above project (Tutoriel) from the navigator bar with no problem. Perhaps you could give a bit more detail about
> - the image you are using
> - the steps you took
> - the error you saw.
> Cheers,
> Bob

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