[Squeakland] overlapsAny:, having trouble using

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at squeakland.org
Sun Jul 10 05:07:51 PDT 2005

Hi, Dave, and all,

The near-term bottom line on this is that "overlapsAny:" is broken in 
Squeak 3.8.

It *does* work in the current Squeakland release, which by all odds 
is the ideal system for anyone doing anything serious with etoys to 
be working in.

The implementation in the Squeakland veresion relies on code from the 
Connectors package, which is included in the base Squeakland image 
but not in the base Squeak-dev image, so at least one crucial method 
is missing from Squeak 3.8.

Sorry for the delay in replying.  Various other interesting issues 
were exposed by looking at your terrific example.  About which more 


   -- Scott

PS: Dave's email quoted below was bounced by the squeak-dev mailing 
list because the attachment was over the list's limit.  It *did* 
appear on the Squeakland mailing list but, ironically, the project 
will not load into a Squeakland system.

At 10:43 PM -0700 7/4/05, Dave Briccetti wrote:
>Scott Wallace wrote:
>>Hi, Dave,
>>Yes, please do post the project somewhere, and I (and others) will 
>>be glad to have a look at it.
>I am following your example and attaching it to this message.
>>Your #makeTargets: code looks fine and ought to work.  Indeed, I 
>>just now tried something equivalent to it in my example and it 
>>worked just as well as if I'd created the siblings manually.
>>I think perhaps you intended to include another code snippet into 
>>your email, the one that queries "altColDetectMethod," as per your 
>>penultimate paragraph, but omitted it.  I presume that will be 
>>present in the project you post, but if not, please send that along 
>>as well.
>>We'll get to the bottom of this...
>I like that attitude!
>>  -- Scott
>>PS:  How old are the kids you're working with?
>Grades 5-9. Here are my announcements/reflections about the class:
>Tomorrow starts week 3 of 3, then there's a second session of the 
>same three classes: Python, Squeak, and Multiplayer Network Games 
>Programming (which I more and more want to do in Squeak [rather than 
>Java or Python]).
>>PPS:  By the way, fwiw, you can actually achieve the same effect as 
>>your #makeTargets entirely within the tile-script regime, without 
>>needing to resort to textual scripting, using code like the 
>>following to create, add, and position each sibling:
>Ah, good! And presumably there's a mechanism to invoke that script 
>some arbitrary number of times.
>Thanks so much.

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