[Squeakland] preserve trash - Space invaders

Christian Grune info at relearn.de
Thu Jul 21 09:27:31 PDT 2005


I adapted a project from Markus Gaelli, all things wrk fine, only eToys 
stadnards are used, no hacks... Only the trash makes trouble, it slows 
down the project after a while.

Setting preferences to "preserve trash -> false" and 
"slideDismissalsToTrash -> false" will help. I set the preferences for 
this project to false, but it never happens to an eToys Standard 
installation. The reason: Preferences are appied to all projects, not to 
individual projects, what overwrites my settings.

So here are my questions:
1) Is there any possibility to set this preferences on false and 
overwrite the defaults? Via script or so??
2) Would be nice to have the option "apply to individual projects" for 
this settings per default in the Squeakland distro - is there a chance?

The project can be found here:




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