[Squeakland] Squeak for code::XtremeApps 2009 contest in Singapore

Harish Pillay 9v1hp h.pillay at ieee.org
Sun Nov 23 15:27:45 PST 2008

Dear List -

Hi.  I would like to reach out to all on this list to see how best I can run
a programming contest for children 12 years and below.

I am on the organizing committee of a programming contest called
code::XtremeApps.  It comprises two categories - a Junior Category
for those 12 and below, and an open category for everyone on the

We are going to run the 3rd iteration of the contest next year (you
can see the 2008 details at http://www.itsc.org.sg/codeXtremeApps2008.html).

For the 2009 run, I am planning on using Squeak for the junior cat -
the 2008 contest used Alice.  The contest is to be held in the June
period (which is in the middle of school year here in Singapore).

I would appreciate pointers and suggestions on using squeak for
programming contest and perhaps even lessons learned.

Harish Pillay h.pillay at ieee.org gpg id: 746809E3
fingerprint: F7F5 5CCD 25B9 FC25 303E 3DA2 0F80 27DB 7468 09E3

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