[SqNOS] Failed to load to SqueakNOS...

Gerardo Richarte gera at corest.com
Fri Mar 19 19:18:51 UTC 2010

Юрий Мироненко wrote:
> Well, if I choose, for example, 1024x768x32, it prints me a list of something looks like supported modes table. Every mode I tested outside this table do not works (i.e., displaying this very table as part of error report and "press any key to continue"). Every mode from this table are...hmm...works. Sort of.
This list is the list of video modes supported by your laptop, choose
the best from the list, and use it. In short, what you did is correct.
> There are two scenarios. First is loooong pause, and then - messy colored rectangle in topleft corner. Second is: printing "boot" in topleft corner (it looks like it was printed in graphic mode, not text), then looong pause, and then, again, messy colored rectangle in topleft corner.
    Uhm... no sure what's going on, we are currently seeing the colored
box you describe, but after that we get SqueakNOS up and running... it's
weird, 'cos on old versions I don't remember seeing the colored box, and
at some point it started to show up. I'm not sure what's it about... I
guess it may be that some hardware is blocking the boot process, so
Squeak never gets to refresh the video screen...

    What can you do? well... the .image file in the SD is a true squeak
image, so you can open it outside and change it. Try adding some code as
the first things executed in Squeak, not sure where it is, I guess it's
in the startUp for some class (check StartUpList in, erm... let me look
it up, SystemDictionary >> #processStartUpList:, put something there to
see if the execution reaches that point. What to put?
In the list of video modes, the big hex number next to the video mode
you chose is the address for the frame buffer, let's say its 0xfe000000,
so try something like:

| screen block |
screen := ExternalAddress fromInteger: 16rfe000000.
block := (String new: 100000) atAllPut: $a.
screen stringAt: 1 put: block.

with that you should see something in the screen... if you do see
something in the screen then the next thing is to find out what is
blocking the boot processs. So I guess a good idea is to get a visual
signal every time something in the list finishes, and then we'll know
where it blocks... etc... In fact, it may be possible to get some text
in the screen, but we'll try that later.

and, erm... if you want, you could document all this process you are
following, 'cos I think is a good help for anybody in your situation :)


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