[UI] What's next?

Gary Chambers gary at pinesoft.co.uk
Wed Sep 5 13:10:37 UTC 2007

>Can you tell me what the difference between the current 
>mouseOverForKeyboardFocus and your new mouseClickForKeyboardFocus? 

>It would seem that when mouseOverForKeyboardFocus is false and clicking a 
>morph and entering text would be the same. The focus is still on the text 
>area that you last clicked even though the mouse is not over the morph.

The difference is rather subtle.
With the existing mouseOverForKeyboardFocus disabled, the focus remains with 
a morph until the mouse enters another focus sensitive morph (excluding the 
desktop). When enabled, the focus is gained on mouse entry and released on 
mouse leave.

The new mouseClickForKeyboardFocus requires a mouse down before the focus gets 

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