[UI] Well, shall we do something then?

Brad Fuller bradallenfuller at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 15 15:57:14 UTC 2007

On Sat September 15 2007, Bill Schwab wrote:
> In ordinary Dolphin MVP work, the only time one messes with a view is to
> create something that cannot be created with the existing views.
> Suppose one wants to produce a Gantt chart: I say create it as an image,
> and present it with ImagePresenter.  It needs to be interactive?  Fine,
> process events, and change the image, and invalidate the relevant part
> of the view. 

Warning: I know NOTHING about Dolphin. I haven't even seen it. But, as you 
explain it, it seems like some extra steps to make MVP objects interactive. 
Morphic objects are by default interactive, with nothing to do to get there. 
Why would you want a system that makes you perform extra steps?

I agree the event processing in Morphic can be improved. And, from my small 
experience with it, there are things that need to be fixed. But, why not put 
energy into improving Morphic? It's already there and MVP seems like a LOT of 

...just wondering,

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