[V3dot10] 7156fasterDayOfYear-brp.1.cs should not be in there!

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Dec 15 15:17:14 UTC 2007

Ralph Johnson wrote:
> Keith can you provide more detail?  In other words, give a simple
> example of something that doesn't work?
> I would be happy to remove 7156fasterDayOfYear-brp.1.cs if that is
> what is needed, but you didn't actually give any evidence that there
> was a problem, other than saying that there was.  We need symptoms as
> well as a diagnosis.
> -Ralph
I am giving you the detail 7156 directly overwrites methods in fix 474
thus breaking anything that 474 was intended to do.
For symptoms read the description of 474 and note that notihing that 474
says it does works any longer.

474 says it improves speed of DataAndTime now by 50+ times, and attempts
to provide millisecond clock accuracy.

7156 say it tries to improve speed of DateAndTime now by 6x... and it
does so by overwriting methods already "fixed".

7156 has overwritten the implementation of #now with an old one.


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