[V3dot10] 7156fasterDayOfYear-brp.1.cs should not be in there!

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Dec 15 17:21:12 UTC 2007

> what you are talking about.  However, I don't have time to do that
> today.  So, I want you to make it easy for people to see what you are
I don't have time to do that either...  but I am not lazy I am busy.

I have been working 70-100 hr weeks for the past 2/3 months so I
probably have less time than you do.

But since I wrote the incarnation of fix 474 that was in the version of
3.10 that I am using 7143, I can recognize when a fix is not appropriate
since I obsoleted that fix by writing 474 in the first place.

Ok so I failed to go through every other entry in mantis to put "do not
load" markers in where appropriate.
> talking about without even having to read the code.  Sure, I'm lazy,
> but other people are, too.  You need to give enough detail that even
> lazy people are convinced.
You shouldn't need convincing, the laziest option would be to simply
trust that what I am saying is true,
but obviously my judgment doesn't count for much around here.

But since you ask

DateAndTime now 2007-12-15T17:20:12+00:00

look no milliseconds!


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