[V3dot10] [ab] progress

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Feb 10 07:02:00 UTC 2007

The initial Auto-build implementation used a simple queue as its builds 
to do list. It has been re-written to use a class that handles 
scheduling of builds, rather than a simple queue.

This allows one build product to schedule further builds in the 'near' 
future (its children).

You can view the current schedule (which is likely to be empty)

at: http://squeak.warwick.st/auto-build/wip/current_schedule.txt

It also allows a build to delay itself to run say 10 minutes after its 
start conditions are triggered.

So, the build of 391, is managed on page 
And its children are specified on page 

The example 'Reports' now generates its output every time that 3.9.1 is 
updated, and it places its outputs in a sub directory as part of the 
3.9.1 build.

see: http://squeak.warwick.st/auto-build/output/make/391/LATEST/

The other child product in this example, Seaside-Magma-Pier, is 
generated only when a build of 391 is designated a "NEW_RC", meaning "a 
new release candidate".

we are getting there slowly


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