[V3dot10] Updates

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Jan 26 11:32:57 UTC 2007

Here I send the updates collected to date, with corrections
Also I continue putting all what I could into the remote image, for know any
problems in advance.

Bert, the links for Balloon3D at SquekMap are broken.
If you have a .sar what works, let me know.


-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.9 of 7 November 2006 [latest update: #7067] on 26 January 2007 at 8:19:02 am'!
Offer the chance to advance the version number."
(self confirm: 'There are no further updates for Squeak 3.9.
Do you wish to advance to version 3.10alpha?
[Yes] Your system will be marked as 3.10alpha, and you will
subsequently receive ''test pilot'' updates for 3.10.
[No] Your system will be marked as 3.9, allowing you
to receive only final fixes for the 3.9 stable release.
[Neither] You may choose No, and immediately quit without saving,
allowing you to make a backup copy before adopting this change.
DO YOU WANT TO ADVANCE to Version 3.10alpha now?')
	ifTrue: [SystemVersion newVersion: 'Squeak3.10alpha'.
			SystemVersion current date: Time now asDate.
			self inform: 'You may now save this Version 3.10alpha image
and retrieve updates again for 3.10alpha and beyond.']
	ifFalse: [SystemVersion current version: 'Squeak3.9'; date: Time now asDate..
			self inform: 'You may now save this Version 3.9 final image
and retrieve updates again for any final fixes to 3.9.
- - - - -
(If you quit without saving now, your image will revert to
3.9without any of the updates you just loaded)'].!

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.9 of 7 November 2006 [latest update: #7067] on 26 January 2007 at 8:19:11 am'!
ReleaseBuilder subclass: #ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'ReleaseBuilder'!

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10 commentStamp: 'edc 1/26/2007 07:28' prior: 0!
From V3dot10 list discussions
> Yes, it's the right place to put cleanup stuff. But ReleaseBuilder is
> meant to prepare an image for an actual release. For a person,
> perhaps you, to take a fully updated image and put the finishing
> touches on it - cleaning caches, undeclared, obsoletes, resetting
> author initials, etc. pp. You *never* want to do that to some
> unsuspecting user's image. A call to it certainly should not be put
> into the update stream. It's okay to push the class to a user, but
> you should not actually run it via an update.!

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10 methodsFor: 'squeakThreeTen' stamp: 'edc 12/9/2006
|  monti |
	World removeAllMorphs.
	CommandHistory resetAllHistory.
	po := PackageOrganizer new.
	#( 'Flash' 'StarSqueak' 'SmaCC' 'ScriptLoader' 'Speech' 'Movies'
'FixUnderscores' 'OB' 'OmniBrowser' ) do:[:ea| (MCPackage named: ea)
		#(TheWorldMenu FileServices AppRegistry Preferences FileList)
do: [:cl| (Smalltalk at: cl) removeObsolete].
monti := MCWorkingCopyBrowser new.
monti unsortedWorkingCopies do:[:ea| ea unregister. ].
monti flushAllCaches.
(PackageOrganizer default packageNames difference: PackagePaneBrowser new packageList) do:[:ea | PackageOrganizer default unregisterPackageNamed: ea ].

	3 timesRepeat: [Smalltalk garbageCollect].
	DataStream initialize.
	Flaps replaceGlobalFlapwithID: 'Tools' translated.
	Flaps replaceGlobalFlapwithID: 'Widgets' translated.
	self cleanUpEtoys.
	SmalltalkImage current fixObsoleteReferences.
	SystemOrganization removeEmptyCategories.
	Smalltalk garbageCollect.
	ScheduledControllers := nil.
	Behavior flushObsoleteSubclasses.
	3 timesRepeat: [Smalltalk garbageCollect].

	! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10 methodsFor: 'squeakThreeTen' stamp: 'edc 12/1/2006
	"ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10 new makeSqueakThreeTenRelease"

		makeSqueakThreeTenReleasePhaseCleanup! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10 methodsFor: 'squeakThreeTen' stamp: 'edc 12/1/2006
	"ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10 new makeSqueakThreeTenReleasePhaseCleanup"
| newVersion |
	Smalltalk at: #Browser ifPresent:[:br| br initialize].
		removeChangeSetsNamedSuchThat: [:cs | cs name ~= ChangeSet
current name].
	ChangeSet current clear.
	ChangeSet current name: 'Unnamed1'.
	Smalltalk garbageCollect.
	"Remove existing player references"
	References keys do: [:k | References removeKey: k].
	Smalltalk garbageCollect.
	ScheduledControllers := nil.
	Behavior flushObsoleteSubclasses.
	SystemNavigation default obsoleteBehaviors isEmpty 
		ifFalse: [self error: 'Still have obsolete behaviors'].

	"Reinitialize DataStream; it may hold on to some zapped entitities"
	DataStream initialize.
	self fixObsoleteReferences.
	"Smalltalk abandonTempNames."
	Smalltalk zapAllOtherProjects.
	Smalltalk forgetDoIts.
	Smalltalk flushClassNameCache.
	3 timesRepeat: 
			[Smalltalk garbageCollect.
			Symbol compactSymbolTable].
SystemVersion current registerUpdate: SystemVersion current
highestUpdate + 1.
	newVersion := 'Squeak3.10alpha.' , SystemVersion current
highestUpdate printString. 

	SystemVersion newVersion: newVersion.
	newVersion := newVersion ,'.'.
	(SourceFiles at: 2) ifNotNil:
		[SmalltalkImage current closeSourceFiles; "so copying the
changes file will always work"
			 saveChangesInFileNamed: (SmalltalkImage current
fullNameForChangesNamed: newVersion)].
	SmalltalkImage current saveImageInFileNamed: (SmalltalkImage current
fullNameForImageNamed: newVersion)
		! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10 methodsFor: 'squeakThreeTen' stamp: 'edc 12/1/2006
	"ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10 new makeSqueakThreeTenReleasePhasePrepare"

	Undeclared removeUnreferencedKeys.
	StandardScriptingSystem initialize.
	Preferences initialize.
	"(Object classPool at: #DependentsFields) size > 1 ifTrue: [self
error:'Still have dependents']."
	Undeclared isEmpty ifFalse: [self error:'Please clean out

	"Dump all projects"
	Project allSubInstancesDo:[:prj| prj == Project current
ifFalse:[Project deletingProject: prj]].

	"Set new look so we don't need older fonts later"
	StandardScriptingSystem applyNewEToyLook.

	Smalltalk at: #Browser ifPresent:[:br| br initialize].
	ScriptingSystem deletePrivateGraphics.
	ChangeSet removeChangeSetsNamedSuchThat:
		[:cs| cs name ~= ChangeSet current name].
	ChangeSet current clear.
	ChangeSet current name: 'Unnamed1'.
	Smalltalk garbageCollect.
	"Reinitialize DataStream; it may hold on to some zapped entitities"
	DataStream initialize.
	"Remove existing player references"
	References keys do:[:k| References removeKey: k].

	Smalltalk garbageCollect.
	ScheduledControllers := nil.
	Smalltalk garbageCollect.
! !

ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10 new makeSqueakThreeTenRelease.

gf := GradientFillStyle  ramp: {0.0->(Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) .
1.0->(Color r: 0.0 g: 0.658 b: 0.474)}.
	gf	origin: 0 @ 0;
		direction: 0 at 400;
		normal: 640 at 0;
		radial: false.
World fillStyle: gf!!!

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Skipped content of type multipart/appledouble-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.9 of 7 November 2006 [latest update: #7067] on 15 January
2007 at 9:31:59 am'!
"Change Set:		7071Morphic-CandidatesForGo
Date:			15 January 2007
Author:			This list of classes seems never used, so I group
and unload.
			If any miss at later time, I put a .mcz into Ladrillos

SystemOrganization classifyAll: #(BorderedStringMorph MouseActionIndicatorMorph CommandTilesMorph
TestClickExerciser SpectrumAnalyzerMorph FishEyeMorph SoundDemoMorph
MultiuserTinyPaint KidNavigationMorph CodecDemoMorph BlobMorph
 SoundMorph SubpaneDividerMorph
RolloverButtonMorph ClipboardMorph VeryPickyMorph
ClassRepresentativeMorph PhraseWrapperMorph WatchMorph
UpdatingTextMorph PluggableTabBarMorph PartsWindow HeadingMorph
ZoomMorph UpdatingStringMorphWithArgument SoundSequencerMorph
ImageMorphWithSpotlight TinyPaint InfoStringMorph
UpdatingBooleanStringMorph DrawErrorMorph ViewerRow
BalloonRectangleMorph AnimatedImageMorph ViewerEntry MidiInputMorph
CachingMorph MovingEyeMorph MIDIPianoKeyboardMorph
DoubleClickExample MorphExample RulerMorph LabelStringMorph) under:

(MCPackage named: 'Morphic-CandidatesForGo') unload .
#(TheWorldMenu FileServices AppRegistry Preferences FileList) do: [:cl|
(Smalltalk at: cl) removeObsolete].

3 timesRepeat: [Smalltalk garbageCollect].

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