RV: [V3dot10] Do in a workspace and say if could build

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Jun 19 08:54:11 UTC 2007

El 6/18/07 10:26 PM, "Chris Muller" <asqueaker at gmail.com> escribió:

> This situation was painful for me the first time it happened.  The
> Etoys-edc.23-with-a-different-UUID situation occurs when "edc" works
> off of version 22 twice and saves two packages each with the same name
> (23).
"edc" is me , and I do the mistake, sorry

> I wish Monticello would handle this better, but at least if one pays
> attention, you can rename the file when you save the second "23" to
> put extra characters in the filename to ensure it is unique from the
> other 23.  Then they can co-exist in the same repository and be easily
> merged.

But Monticello don trust names, two names with different UUID are different

Could Monticello be tricked to think no matter the .mcz was named (or what
UUID) to work?

Yes, was the patch sended , but people seems unconfortable with it.

This is why I try to have a new repo with right files.
Still working...


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