[V3dot10] Report testing MinimalKernel - MNU when Opening Monticello. Later error loading SquekmapPackageLoader

Milan Zimmermann milan.zimmermann at sympatico.ca
Sun Mar 4 03:36:52 UTC 2007


I have tried the following steps:

1) Downloaded KernelImageMC.20070226.zip from 

2) Started the above image in 3.9 VM, and typed in:
((MCHttpRepository location: 'http://squeaksource.com/KernelImage'user: '' 
password: '') loadVersionFromFileNamed:'MinimalMorphicLoader-pk.24.mcz') 
load. (one line)
MinimalMorphicLoader load.

This got me into the Squeak world

3) Saved and Quit

4) Restarted

5) clicked Open->Monticello Browser

	##Got a MessageNotUnderstood: DisplayText>>privForegroundColor

Is this expected? 

If I abandon, Monticello does open. It is also interesting, when I quit after 
that, and open monticello again, I do not get the MNU again....but after a 
while I did again. Abandoning seems to have worked ok.

6) Then I added this repository:

                location: 'http://squeaksource.com/KernelImage'
                user: ''
                password: ''

7) Then I loaded EToysLoader-pk.10.mcz

Loaded ok

8)  Then, trying to Open->SqueakMapPackageLoader, I get a MNU:


9) I loaded and tried my (simple) eToysTests here:


and they worked on the build image. They are simple, but still, this is great 
that the built image passes them.

Apart from finishing and adding more eToys tests that I plan, time permiting 
I'd like to help some with 3.10, but not sure where to start. I guess first 
step is for me to ask whether the MNU in Step 5 and 8 are expected. Also, I 
assume one thing would be to get rid of any overrides that might be in 
MorpicLoader or eToysLoader, are there any? 


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