[V3dot10] bugs in 3.10

Ralph Johnson johnson at cs.uiuc.edu
Sat May 12 12:11:43 UTC 2007

Get an empty image, load RoelTyper (from Development in Package Universe)
When I run all the tests, the image crashes with no messages.  The
RoelTyper tests run fine by themselves.

I think the problem is one I've seen before, which is that one of the
font tests gets in an infinite loop.  One of the font points to itself
as its backup font, so code of the form "if this font won't work, try
its backup front" gets into an infinite loop.  However, normally I can
break out of the infinite loop.  With 7097, if I try to break out of
the loop, nothing happens until eventually the VM just quits.  At
least, that is what happens on my MacBook Pro.

Of course, the problem might be something else entirely.  However,
there is definitely a serious problem!


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