[V3dot10] How to crash squeak 7149

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Mon Oct 8 09:12:09 UTC 2007

El 10/8/07 2:38 AM, "Jerome Peace" <peace_the_dreamer at yahoo.com> escribió:

> [V3dot10] How to crash squeak 7149
> Hi Ralph,
> My note was just to point out that at the current
> state of affairs the bugs have not be fixed in the ftp
> image plus the available update stream.
> What I did was take my 7143 image and update from
> server until I got to 7149.
> None of those updates seemed to address the font stuff
> at all. So the problem I believe I see when I run the
> tests is the standard #ascent recursion because the
> LanEnvBugs test sets the default fonts to the TTCFont
> and the FontTest suite runs into the infinite
> recursion. 
> So my question to you is how does your image manage to
> avoid the recursion bug? Can you run the two tests
> (each test run by itself in the order specified) and
> not have the system go into limbo?  Is your system
> based on just 7143 and the updates from the server or
> have you applied other fixes? If the latter why are
> they not in the update stream?

Well , Ralph fix should be 7150 and I don't put on updates until we are sure
solves the problem.
The bad news is 7143 ran the test with the know bugs.
When I try to run on 7149 or 7150 the test just no finish.
Both the Mac and the Windows XP go to limbo for the all test.
As Ralph tell the all test run, some was different between his image and


I attach the update just for you and all try
Put in your updates folder into same directory as tested image.
Do Utilities applyUpdatesFromDisk

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.10beta of 22 July 2007 [latest update: #7149] on 6 October 2007 at 7:53 am'!
"Reporter: RalphJohnson
Summary: 0006520: recursive fonts cause crash when running tests
Description: When I try to run all tests in 3.10alpha.7105, the image often crashes.  Sometimes I can run the tests once, but the second time I run them then the system crashes.  The problem is that a TTCFont has itself as its "fallbackFont", and this causes infinite recursion in methods like #ascent.  I fixed #ascent but something else broke.

Diego Deck worked on this. He said  <<<The problem (the one I found) is fired from
LocaleTest>>testLocaleChanged. Probably the problem is that the first
round of test-runs change the default fonts, and the #localeChanged
propagation fires TTCFont>>setupDefaultFallbackFont, that changes the
receiver's fallbackFont to the default font.>>>

Diego gave me the a .cs file with two changed methods.  This solves the problem for me.
Now I can run tests over and over without any problems, though several tests fail that did not fail before.
Additional Information: 

ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10 new updatePackages: 'Graphics-edc.43(42).mcd

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