[V3dot10] Status?

Ralph Johnson johnson at cs.uiuc.edu
Tue Sep 25 13:41:16 UTC 2007

On 9/25/07, Matthias Berth <matthias.berth at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if I / others could help by running automated tests of
> different configurations, different subsets of loaded packages etc? It
> could look like this:

We don't need more compute cycles for running tests, we need more
debugging cycles for fixing broken tests.  In other words, if there is
a configuration that is ready to be tested, I can add it to my script
and have it run along with all the others.  It took less than half an
hour on my machine to run the five configurations on the list.  If
there were a hundred configurations, I could still run the tests every

One way that people can help with testing is to find packages in PU
that are ready for testing.  First, make sure you can run all the
regular tests without crashing the system.  You might need to get rid
of FontTest, because of the outstanding font bugs.  Then, try loading
a package and use TestRunner to run *all* the tests.  If it gives
results without popping up any windows (except for the one that asks
for your initials the first time you change code) then it is ready to
be tested.

If a package needs more tests, write some SUnit tests for it.  Put
them in a testing package that depends on the package to be tested.
Then, we can run the tests by loading the testing package.

If you find a package that is ready to be tested, send me mail or put
it on the wiki at http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/5987


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