[V3dot10] Re: Tentative of start 3.11

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Feb 1 10:46:10 UTC 2008

El 1/31/08 9:06 PM, "Matthew Fulmer" <tapplek at gmail.com> escribió:

> You mean, take a 3.8.2 release, load all the bug fixes in 3.9
> and 3.10 except for Traits and Universes, and sell it as a
> simpler release image without Traits? Sounds reasonable. For the
> forseeable future, we will need to maintain an image without
> Traits, if only for Croquet and Etoys folk. And figuring out how
> to load and unload traits will be a lot of work, and no one will
> want to load or unload traits themselves anyway

It's exact I saying.

> Not sure what you mean here. I didn't see any cutting going on
> in 3.10,
Then you never use 3.10 base.
Go to ftp, grab Squeak3.10.gamma.7159.zip and look at
ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10 unloadSome

Same as I proposing now I propose a year ago, but...

> I havn't yet checked out FunSqueak.

Don't need. It's only a experiment for people who wish have big images with
all ready to run.
As I try to have things from Squeak 2.1 until 3.10, of course not all works

> I don't know what you are trying to say here
.sources have a 32 Mb limit.
This was the origin Steph and Markus should made two SqueakV39.sources.
At the beginning of 3.10 I warning this and the alternatives was

1) Deliver 3.10 with new 3.10.sources
2) Take Dan condenseSources for having compressed ones
3) Take Klaus 512 mb patch

Ralph made a superior scheme , for having empty changes.
The guy in charge of this was Maurice Raab,

For real different way, I have my own how to deal with this in
date is 16/07/05 ....
Could do same with the tentative image or any image we pick as start point.
You could do

| server hay unzipped zipped |
server := (ServerDirectory serverNamed: 'SqueakRos').
dir := server directoryNamed: 'CompressedClasses'.
hay := dir entries detect: [ :any| any name = 'Url.sqz'] ifNone:[].
hay ifNotNil: [self halt .
    zipped:=  dir getFileNamed: 'Url.sqz'.
    unzipped := RWBinaryOrTextStream with: (GZipReadStream decompressFile:
zipped) contents.]

and feed File Contens Browser for later processing

> Personally, I think we should release every few weeks or so. If
> we actually used the update stream the way it used to be used,
> this would be no problem. However, I don't know whether we
> should do that, as it would throw away all the work 3.9 and 3.10
> did to modularize the system and make most parts of it
> unloadable/loadable via MC. I think this is the first problem I
> will tackle after DS is usable: making deltas aware of packages
> in the system and able to update them, while actually keeping
> all the records in DS rather that MC history. Or maybe colin has
> a better solution.

Well, nobody have perfect solution.
And nobody take lead.
And the ones who cares disagree how to proceed.

Maybe is time Squeak goes the way Linux .
Several distributions with some guy behind and some more used and some died
for no users.

We have http://ar.groups.yahoo.com/group/squeakRos/
148 members now
It's a café group, talking about all (futbol, movies, etc), with Squeak as
the main subject.
The native tongue is Spanish, but several understand English.
Join and say whatever you like.
And wait very fun responses


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