[V3dot10] Loading complicated packages in reduced images

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Mon Jun 23 18:30:02 UTC 2008

El 6/23/08 11:59 AM, "Keith Hodges" <keith_hodges at yahoo.co.uk> escribió:

> Dear Edgar,
> in order to solve the loading of "actual applications", many people use
> Installer scripts.
> Installer is designed to be used in minimal images which may not have
> any form of UI.
> Installer has the advantage that you can debug the script line by line
> in a workspace. It also has facilities to enable the script to run
> unattended since it can respond automatically when a package requires
> user interaction.
> You may be interested to hear that Installer can make use of
> Sake/Packages. Sake/Packages captures dependencies between many
> different packages and provides the ability for you as a user of
> Sake/Packages to fine tune the package definitions so that everything
> works smoothly.
> best regards
> Keith

Read carefully.
I don't say loading in "normal" images which have all classes you need.
I talking about next modular or reduced images, like Spoon or Kernel and in
a minor place SqueakLightII or any 3.11 which don't have a lot of classes.

As example , the first DNU many packages raise is about Test, as this
reduced images don't have.

Also , not all packages uses last conventions.
As example, still many use TwoWayScrollPane , but this is a long time
And we have some Morphs, Nebraska, Kedama, Etoys, going to live out of

So , how deal with this ?

My bad solution is attached, when is polished I change for use the ftp as I
do for updating SqueakLight.

I don't need Installer, SqueakMap, Universes. All was useful and could be
loaded easily on top of SqueakLightII, but none solve the real trouble.


-------------- next part --------------
'From SqueakLight|II of 31 May 2008 [latest update: #7177] on 23 June 2008 at 10:17:55 am'!

!MCPackageLoader methodsFor: 'public' stamp: 'muOuser 6/23/2008 09:36'!
loadWithNameLike: baseName
	self analyze.
	unloadableDefinitions isEmpty ifFalse: [self lookMissingClasses.
		self warnAboutDependencies].
	self useNewChangeSetNamedLike: baseName during: [self basicLoad]! !

!MCPackageLoader methodsFor: 'objects from disk' stamp: 'muOuser 6/23/2008 09:38'!
requirements do: [:ea| self lookForClass: ea asString].! !

!Object class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'muOuser 6/23/2008 09:58'!
lookForClass: aClass 
	| dir fname |
	dir := FileDirectory default.
	fname := 'NormalClasses:' , aClass , '.st'.
	(dir fileExists: fname)
		ifTrue: [fname := dir pathName , FileDirectory slash , fname.
			(FileStream oldFileNamed: fname) fileIn.
			Transcript show: 'Aprendi ', aClass printString;cr.
			^ Smalltalk at: (aClass asString) ifAbsent:[]].
! !

!SystemVersion methodsFor: '*smbase-extension' stamp: 'jcg 11/2/2004 10:03'!
	"Return the major/minor version number of the form X.Y, without any 'alpha' or 'beta' or other suffix."
	"(SystemVersion new version: 'Squeak3.7alpha') majorMinorVersion" "  -->  'Squeak3.7' "
	"SystemVersion current majorMinorVersion"
	| char stream |
	stream := ReadStream on: version, 'x'.
	stream upTo: $..
	char := stream next.
	char ifNil: [^ version].	"eg: 'Jasmine-rc1' has no $. in it."
	[char isDigit]
		whileTrue: [char := stream next].
	^ version copyFrom: 1 to: stream position - 1
! !

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