[V3dot10] Mantis #7035 and Update 7160

Ken Causey ken at kencausey.com
Mon May 12 17:52:20 UTC 2008


I thought we had agreed to two separate updates to cover this issue:

May 10 08:49:35 <kencausey>     OK let's compromise
May 10 08:49:50 <kencausey>     I think it's kind of pointless, but
let's do 2 updates
May 10 08:49:58 <kencausey>     Both of them update the version, and
both ask the user first
May 10 08:50:04 <kencausey>     The first one updates it to 3.10
May 10 08:50:08 <kencausey>     The second to 3.10.1g
May 10 08:50:48 <kencausey>     By the way, I say we just jump to gamma
and skip alpha and beta because of the short schedule and we really
should not do anything that we would not normally do during a gama
May 10 08:50:52 <kencausey>     err gamma
May 10 08:51:30 <edgardec>      kencausey, Ok, two updates like in 3.8
May 10 08:51:44 <edgardec>      but with warning as 7068
May 10 08:51:49 <kencausey>     edgardec: Yes, sounds good.

To reiterate:

The first update would ask the user if she wanted to update the system
version information in her image to reflect the fact that it was in fact
3.10 and not 3.10beta which it says as of the released image.  My
reasoning to ask the user and not just do it is that it is at least
concievable that she has code that relies on SystemVersion (wrong or
not) and so silently changing it on her would not be nice.

Then the second update would similarly ask the user if she wished to
update her image and move it to 3.10.1gamma and get updates intended for
that release.

My understanding of 7160 is that either it changes the SystemVersion to
3.10 or it changes it to 3.10.1.  Is the user given a third choice of
doing neither?  As far as I can tell (I've not actually tested it) she
is not.  Secondly it should not be changed to 3.10.1 yet because there
is no such completed release.  Changes to 'final' versions should be
done as the last task before issuing a release.

Also it doesn't appear that you are updating the #7035 bug report to
reflect your work/progress on this issue.  You should have assigned the
issue to yourself and then added at least a note and adjusted the

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