[V3dot10] Re: Help needed with RenderBugz

Jerome Peace peace_the_dreamer at yahoo.com
Thu May 15 02:32:27 UTC 2008

>[V3dot10] Re: Help needed with RenderBugz
>Ken Causey ken at kencausey.com 
>Tue May 13 19:50:58 UTC 2008 
>Extending the wait to 2 milliseconds (from 1) eliminates the failure so
>as expected the problem is indeed timing related.  

Cool.  Lets change the tests to 2 milliseconds then.

Curiosity: What's making it fail at 1 ms. 
That "should"  be enough time for things to work.
How would a second process sneak in to delay things?
Which process is it?
Are there any bugs in that process? 
How would we test for them?

>While this may simply
>be happenstance (my computer, what else I'm doing, etc.) it may also be
>due to the changes to DateAndTime class>now to re-enable sub-second
>precision.  I'm going to spend a little time to determine if that's the
>case.  But is there any reason not to change these tests (since the
>primary purpose is to test for infinite recursion) to something more
>like 10 milliseconds to ensure that they not fail in a wider array of
>situations (think OLPC for example)?

I would try it at 2 ms until a failing case for that is found. 
Its alway best to have the most sensitive case that will pass as the test.
Squeak does not have complete code coverage. 
A test that fails for reasons other than its purpose is useful.
It points out the next thing that needs fixing.
Of course once it fails that way a second test should be devised. 
The original should be adjusted back to its purpose.



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