[V3dot10] 3.10.1 release

Ken Causey ken at kencausey.com
Sat May 24 14:57:18 UTC 2008


Do you want to produce the 3.10.1 release image or shall I?

Here's my list so far of what needs to be done:

1.  Issue a final update to change the SystemVersion to 3.10.1

2.  Generate the history of 3.10.1 window.  I'm thinking this should
include the full 3.10 and 3.10.1 history.  Do you have a utility method
you used to generate this or was it hand written?

3.  Resize the window to it's final size (800x600?)

4.  Check that the flaps are all appropriately sized and positioned

5.  Clean the image.  I see
ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10>>#makeSqueakThreeTenRelease but this needs to be
updated, at least to remove the stuff that sets the system version.

6.  Save the image then set filenames correctly: 'Squeak3.10.1-<last
update number>-basic.*.  Create the basic release zip file, named

7.  Rebuild the platform release files appropriately.

8.  Contact web-team to update www.squeak.org

9.  Announce.

I'm sure I'm missing something in this list.


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