Defining the damn 3.9 process! (was Re: SqueakFoundation money)

Marcus Denker denker at
Sun Dec 11 00:47:36 UTC 2005

On 09.12.2005, at 15:00, stéphane ducasse wrote:

> Hi ken,
> All in all we agree. Now I can tell you that mantis does not help  
> me to mark the items
> I should not forget to have a look at.
> I just realized that indeed we should have a look at the resolved  
> points.
> Then I'm often lost in the Mantis user interface.  Now the biggest  
> problem for me is to
> be more or less alone. I guess that marcus will come back but  
> instead of wasting
> marcus on harvesting, I would prefer that he work on integrating  
> the method annotations
> and the new compiler.

Yes, I will start to get involved a bit more again. I want to merge  
the changes that are needed
for the new compiler (the overrides) to make it a completely optional  
package that does
not patch anything. And integrate method annotations. Then I need to  
put some work
into the new compiler to fix some things (decompiling...) to make it  
really a drop-in replacement.

Overall, the problem with harvesting (even more complex integrations  
like the new compiler)
is that it's not a very prestigous activity. In the end, if I burn  
all my time with harvesting, I have
done nothing.

So I need to be careful of how much time to invest, but I will  
definitly do more then the last two
month (which I needed to finaly realy define my PhD topic...).


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