[Vm-dev] Debugging Spur32 genPrimitiveHighBit

Nicolas Cellier nicolas.cellier.aka.nice at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 22:37:06 UTC 2020

It seems that I miss-interpreted the order of mod:RM:RO:, it seems like O
means output, not operand...

Le mar. 18 févr. 2020 à 22:53, Nicolas Cellier <
nicolas.cellier.aka.nice at gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I confirm that generated code for CLZ (LZCNT) is incorrect on IA32 arch.
> The registers are swapped!
> Here is an extract:
>     0x5c26a9c: 83 e0 01        andl   $0x1, %eax
>     0x5c26a9f: eb 11           jmp    0x5c26ab2
>     0x5c26aa1: 90              nop
>     0x5c26aa2: 90              nop
>     0x5c26aa3: 90              nop
>     0x5c26aa4: 89 d0           movl   %edx, %eax
>     0x5c26aa6: 83 e0 03        andl   $0x3, %eax
>     0x5c26aa9: 75 f1           jne    0x5c26a9c
>     0x5c26aab: 8b 02           movl   (%edx), %eax
>     0x5c26aad: 25 ff ff 3f 00  andl   $0x3fffff, %eax           ; imm =
> 0x3FFFFF
>     0x5c26ab2: 39 c8           cmpl   %ecx, %eax
>     0x5c26ab4: 75 e0           jne    0x5c26a96
>     0x5c26ab6: f3 0f bd d0     lzcntl %eax, %edx
>     0x5c26aba: 74 0d           je     0x5c26ac9
>     0x5c26abc: 35 1f 00 00 00  xorl   $0x1f, %eax
>     0x5c26ac1: 89 c2           movl   %eax, %edx
>     0x5c26ac3: d1 e2           shll   %edx
>     0x5c26ac5: 83 c2 01        addl   $0x1, %edx
>     0x5c26ac8: c3              retl
> What happens is that we count the leading zeros in $eax (TempReg) and
> store the result in $edx (ReceiverResultReg) ...
>     0x5c26ab6: f3 0f bd d0     lzcntl %eax, %edx
> We want the contrary!
> $eax contains 1, presumably because we used it to check for SmallInteger
> tag bit:
>     0x5c26a9c: 83 e0 01        andl   $0x1, %eax
> So we invariably get 31 leading zeroes in $edx (but we will later
> overwrite the contents of $edx).
> Then we interpret $eax as the result (thus 1 leading zero), bitInvert, and
> get 30 as the result for highBit, store that in $edx (shifted and tagged),
> and we're done... Err!
> Obviously the code generation is wrong!
> It did work when I first wrote it, and still work on x64 because we use
> $eax (TempReg) as both source and dest reg...
> Though, I do not see what we are doing wrong:
> concretizeClzRR
> <inline: true>
> | maskReg dest  |
> maskReg := operands at: 0.
> dest := operands at: 1.
> machineCode
> at: 0 put: 16rF3;
> at: 1 put: 16r0F;
> at: 2 put: 16rBD;
> at: 3 put: (self mod: ModReg RM: dest RO: maskReg).
> ^4
> and we invoke it like that:
> cogit ClzR: srcReg R: destReg.
> ClzR: reg1 R: reg2
> "reg2 := reg1 countLeadingZeros"
> <inline: true>
> <returnTypeC: #'AbstractInstruction *'>
> ^self gen: ClzRR operand: reg1 operand: reg2
> So it seems to me that all is in the correct order...
> cogitIA32 likewise seems perfrectly correct:
> static sqInt
> genPrimitiveHighBit(void)
> {
>     AbstractInstruction *anInstruction11;
>     AbstractInstruction *anInstruction2;
>     AbstractInstruction *anInstruction4;
>     AbstractInstruction *jumpNegativeReceiver;
>     AbstractInstruction *jumpNegativeReceiver11;
>     AbstractInstruction *jumpNegativeReceiver3;
>     sqInt literal1;
>         /* remove excess tag bits from the receiver oop */
>         /* and use the abstract cogit facility for case of single tag-bit
> */
>         /* begin genHighBitIn:ofSmallIntegerOopWithSingleTagBit: */
>         if (((ceCheckLZCNT()) & (1U << 5)) != 0) {
>                 /* begin
> genHighBitClzIn:ofSmallIntegerOopWithSingleTagBit: */
>                 genoperandoperand(ClzRR, ReceiverResultReg, TempReg);
>                 if (!(setsConditionCodesFor(lastOpcode(), JumpZero))) {
>                         /* begin checkQuickConstant:forInstruction: */
>                         anInstruction2 = genoperandoperand(CmpCqR, 0,
> TempReg);
>                 }
>                 /* Note the nice bit trick below:
>                    highBit_1based_of_small_int_value = (BytesPerWord * 8)
> - leadingZeroCout_of_oop - 1 toAccountForTagBit.
>                    This is like 2 complements (- reg - 1) on (BytesPerWord
> * 8) log2 bits, or exactly a bit invert operation... */
>                 jumpNegativeReceiver3 =
> genConditionalBranchoperand(JumpZero, ((sqInt)0));
>                 /* begin checkLiteral:forInstruction: */
>                 literal1 = (BytesPerWord * 8) - 1;
>                 anInstruction11 = genoperandoperand(XorCwR, (BytesPerWord
> * 8) - 1, TempReg);
>                 jumpNegativeReceiver = jumpNegativeReceiver3;
>                 goto l10;
>         }
> which concretize in:
>         case ClzRR:
>                 /* begin concretizeClzRR */
>                 maskReg = ((self_in_dispatchConcretize->operands))[0];
>                 dest = ((self_in_dispatchConcretize->operands))[1];
>                 ((self_in_dispatchConcretize->machineCode))[0] = 243;
>                 ((self_in_dispatchConcretize->machineCode))[1] = 15;
>                 ((self_in_dispatchConcretize->machineCode))[2] = 189;
>                 ((self_in_dispatchConcretize->machineCode))[3] =
> (modRMRO(self_in_dispatchConcretize, ModReg, dest, maskReg));
>                 return 4;
> The order seems correct all the way down...
> As a workaround, I could revert Eliot's optimization and force a
>     cogit MoveR: ReceiverResultReg R: TempReg.
> But I'd rather want to understand where's the problem...
> Another pair of eyes may help!
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