[Webteam] Re: Fun with Selenium

Chris Cunnington smalltalktelevision at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 12:59:24 UTC 2012

On 2012-11-23 3:59 AM, Herbert König wrote:
>> This image has been running for ~270 hours. If you want to fire up 
>> your rig and try to overwhelm the box3.squeak.org:8624 that could be 
>> useful. We could see how much can it take.
>> And if it isn't useful, at least it'll be amusing. :)
> It was at least amusing. I ran five clients usually 2 clicks per 
> second for half an hour. Sometimes I had them all run at full speed 
> (next click when the response from the web server was complete). I 
> didn't see any degradation and I assume being behind one home router 
> was the limit here. Anyway if Squeak still uses a reasonable amount of 
> memory I think the Squeak site will not get more load than that.
Wow. That's amazing. It looks like it's fairly stable. This is the 
latest from top:

30743 chriscun  20   0 1042m  53m 1296 R  2.3  5.3 457:41.95 squeak

457 hours. That looks good.

I spent half an hour grep'ing apache access files looking for the half 
hour you tested. Then I realized there is no apache stanza. So there are 
no logs. Also this server has no dns (tinydns, as box2 uses DJB tools). 
That'll change soonish.

The problem I had with Altitude may have been due to how I was deploying 
it. I'd start an image, log in with RFB, load in Altitude, and then the 
site code. This last time I prepared the image fully on the desktop, 
zipped, ftp'ed, unzipped, and started. The file it loaded in at start 
(i.e. squeaksite.st) was minimal.

(ALServer on: 8624 application: ALSqueakApplication new)  start

I zip before ftp'ing, as the line encodings in the source file can get 
messed up.
That may be a factor for greater stability. But I don't really know. I 
never took a degree in compsci. This is all basically voodoo to me.

> Maybe one day we can do this while you are watching the CPU and Memory 
> use? I assume Linux has tools to record these for a certain time.

I think that's a great idea. I'll have finished merging Altitude and 
Bootstrap today or tomorrow. Then I'd like to retire this image and we 
can blast the new one.

It's exciting to see Altitude so stable. Thanks for doing this, Herbert.


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