[Webteam] a plan

Chris Cunnington websela at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 12 12:10:32 UTC 2014

1. http://build.squeak.org works fine as it's on box3. The problem is in box2, specifically in the /tinydns/root/data.in file that I changed yesterday. 

2. The plan I have to fix this is to change the TTL to one hour and iterate. The problem is the wildcard which did duty for many subdomains reaching box2. 

3. I count those subdomains to be: ftp, bugs, source, wiki, map, www, nil, news, and lists. 

4. I intend to remove the wildcard and state each subdomain explicitly. The current state of the tinydns file is attached [1]

5. For future reference the way tinydns works is as follows. Edit the data (or data.in) file and execute make. 
This produces a fresh data.cdb file, which takes effect immediately. tinydns need not be restarted. 

6. The /tinywiki/root/Makefile in box4 compiles the data.cdb file and then rsync's a copy to box3. 
There is no such relationship to box2, I don't think. At least from reading the Makefiles in boxes 2 and 4. 

7. I apologize for stopping the squeak rig in its tracks. The fault is mine. And as I have taken the blame, I feel free to say that this setup is a kludge. 

8. I think there is no chance of the email knocking out, as it's on the lists subdomain on squeakfoundation.org, which I have no need to touch. It should continue to work as expected. 

Thank you for your patience, 



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# Squeak.org

# Box3 at Gandi.net via SFC October 2012

# Box4 at Gandi.net via SFC December 2012

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