[Ann] WxMorphic v.0.01alpha

Steven Swerling sswerling at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 16 00:00:58 UTC 2005

>>> 5. The keyboard focus problem is tricky. I tried a quick modification 
>>> of WxButtonMorph to see if a wxEvtSetFocus event could deflect focus 
>>> back to the parent, but it didn't have any effect. We may have to 
>>> look deeper into the wxWidgets internals here to find an answer.
>> Yes, this is worrisome, but if worse comes to worse, we can implement a
>> primitive call that would probably do the trick.
> That's true. Worst case, we should be able to bypass wx and go straight 
> to a platform specific routine to set the focus.

For now I've got a workaround that works well, so we can put this on the 

> Re-implementing all the sizer logic is not trivial, but certainly doable.

Yeah, they don't seem so far removed from Alignment morphs in their 

I've got multiple panels and scaled panels working, so I'm gonna start 
do a thumbnail morph, just to finish it off that idea. Next thing after 
that on the priority list is to let the wx windows survive image saves. 
Then revisit the debugger and make sure it's debugging the correct world 
when it pops up.

I said before I was going to talk to you about deferred events handling, 
but I want to work something up first and haven't had time.

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