Impossible crashes

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Mon Jan 16 18:33:56 UTC 2006

Very likely memory corruption is your problem (unless you use other FFI 
or large C libraries). If you can run this single threaded (or put the 
threads "under control" by the app) you should write-protect the Squeak 
object-memory during those primitive calls. This will make the VM crash 
at the point of failure instead of ten minutes later in a GC.

   - Andreas

Cees De Groot wrote:
> Hi,
> We are getting reports from customers with stacktraces indicating all
> sorts of impossibilities:
> - nil elements in the ScheduledDelays collection (Delay class var);
> - crashes in #becomeForward: which looks so nonsensical that it almost
> looks like two of these calls are active at the same time;
> and other stuff like that.
> I was wondering - there's no way, I hope, that the wx threads can be
> messing with the VM, is there? That suddenly two native threads start
> interpreting or something like that? Because that is almost the only
> thing that can explain this (random memory corruption is hardly likely
> to cause these crashes - they've each been reported multiple times).

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