[Newbies] how do I get Seaside up on my Squeak?

Matthias Berth matthias.berth at googlemail.com
Sat Oct 13 16:25:04 UTC 2007


just in case there is still a problem with this:

> Open -> Universe Browser -> Web Development -> Seaside


- start squeak
- right-click on the background, this opens the "World menu"
- about 1/3 down there is an entry "open..." in the world menu
- click on open..., and choose "Universe Browser (basic...)"

This will open the Package Universe browser. (A package universe is a
set of Squeak package versions that are known to work together).

- Open the web development category
- choose Seaside
- click on "Select package", this will select seaside and its
dependencies for installation
- click on "Install selections"

Now seaside and other necessary packages will be installed.



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