[Newbies] [Newbie] System Browser method icon & Inbox Talk app

christoph.thiede at student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de christoph.thiede at student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de
Fri Dec 2 21:19:57 UTC 2022

Hi Pete,

On 2022-12-02T09:56:10-08:00, ppadilcdx at gmail.com wrote:

> Is there a guide as to what the icons next to the methods mean. I can guess most of them, e.g. the arrows are obvious enough. But others are not so trivial.  Right now I have some methods showing a red flag - I presume there is some sort of issue but there is no  help text that I could find.  Thank you and apologies if this has been asked before.

A red flag indicates that the method contains debug code - e.g., a breakpoint, self halt, or Transcript showln: 'something'. Analogously, a blue flag stands for a method that needs your attention, e.g., if it contains self flag: #someTodo, self notYetImplemented or something else. If you would like to know it exactly, you can look this up in Behavior>>#toolIconSelector:. :-)

> Also, how do I set the required login credentials to be able to send email through the Squeak Inbox Talk app within Squeak.  All my accounts require login to send email via smtp protocol. The app did prompt for server/port/email address but without smtp login credentials it won’t be able to send the email. Thanks!

I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly. If you are trying to send a mail from Squeak for the first time, it will ask you for your email address, your mail server and port, your username, and your password. For mail server and port, you need to enter the details for the SMTP server of your email provider. You can usually google that information or ask your local administrator. Just for example, for outlook.com, the server is smtp-mail.outlook.com and the port is 587. The username is either your email address or everything before the @ (e.g., ppadilcdx). Note that in particular, Gmail further complicates SMTP access and requires you to sign in with an app password [1], so instead of your normal Google password, you would have to generate an app password for SMTP under https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords and specify this password in Squeak.

> Regards
> Pete

Hope that helps!


[1] https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833

Sent from Squeak Inbox Talk
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