[Cryptography Team] New Members

Steven Elkins sgelkins at gmail.com
Thu Oct 5 01:24:19 UTC 2006

On 10/4/06, Robert Withers <reefedjib at yahoo.com> wrote:

> > SSLCipherSuite subclass: #TLSNothing more expected
> >    instanceVariableNames: ''
> >    classVariableNames: ''
> >    poolDictionaries: ''
> I'll try to reproduce this, but it shouldn't be happening.

Sure, please let me know if I should provide more information.

> All in
> all, you shouldn't worry much about Undeclared, since it is just a
> class that references another class, before that class is defined.  I
> see lot's of them when I load SSL, for instance.

Oh, they don't bother me, I was just trying to be informative.

> > ...and all but 2 of 23 passed, an assertion failure in
> > CryptoTest>>testDSASigningAndVerifying and an error,
> > MessageNotUnderstood (#unsignedLongAt:bigEndian) in the send chain
> > that starts with encryptBlock: in CryptoTest>>testDES2.
> >
> Load the latest DSA package to address the first but we have other
> errors with Rijndael.  I'll work at them.

All 23 pass after loading the latest Base (following Hans-Martin's
instructions) and the latest DSA (following yours).


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