[Cryptography Team] PAPAS -ParrotTalk Automated Protocol Analyzer&Selector

Robert robert.withers at protonmail.com
Mon Jun 10 13:30:08 UTC 2019

Alright I got it working. I have been having issues with my browser getting its content cache corrupted resulting in blank pages, and so I figured the issue out. I had installed a URL redirect record in DNS and that was causing the issues. The site should be all fixed now and access to http:///callistohouse.club restored..


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Sunday, June 9, 2019 6:11 PM, Robert <robert.withers at protonmail.com> wrote:

> In the context of not knowing if all of you are following the squeak list, I posted there about recent developments.
> I ported SSL [1] and SSH [2], onto ParrotTalk's framework, along with a new supporting ParrotTalk [3], including the supporting Telnet [4] and PseudoTTY changesets from Ian Piumarta [5].
> My complete delayed credit due to Ian. I harvested the ProtocolState from Ian many, many moons ago, as well as his framework of a stack and I reworked this mercilessly.  I completely forgot to credit him and lost the pointer. Well, in porting Telnet, I rediscovered the original source. I ensured its definition within ParrotTalk, with a few changes I depend on. Thanks Ian!
> I ported initial attempts to subclass an important stateMachine, from each of SSL and SSH, to be rooted at ParrotTalk's SessionOperations. More work is needed, including defining active frameSpecifications that can ddetect appropriate frames for these new Protocols, in a new FrameAnalyzer, to be used by the new SessionProtocolSelector. The current hierarchy of SessionOperations as follows:
> SessionOperations...
> - SessionOperations_v3_8
> - SessionOperations_v3_7
> - SessionOperations_v3_6
> - SSLHandshakeStateMachine
> - SSHTransportHandshakeStateMachine
> [1] SSL-rww.20.mcz -
> http://www.squeaksource.com/Oceanside/SSL-rww.20.mcz
> [1] SSH-rww.13.mcz -
> [http://www.squeaksource.com/Oceanside/SSH-rww.13.mcz](http://www.squeaksource.com/Oceanside/SSL-rww.20.mcz)
> [1] ParrotTalk-rww.31.mcz -
> [http://www.squeaksource.com/Oceanside/ParrotTalk-rww.31.mcz](http://www.squeaksource.com/Oceanside/SSL-rww.20.mcz)
> [4] Telnet-rww.105.mcz -
> [http://www.squeaksource.com/Oceanside/Telnet-rww.105.mcz](http://www.squeaksource.com/Oceanside/SSL-rww.20.mcz)
> [5] Ian Piumarta - http://piumarta.com/cv/bio.html
> Kindly,
> Robert
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Sunday, June 9, 2019 6:03 PM, Robert <robert.withers at protonmail.com> wrote:
>> I pray this email finds all of you well! I apologize for my previous incomplete email. Some of my recent posts regarding ParrotTalk plans & development on my new blog Callisto House LLC. You may find the origins & intention of Callisto House, described in the [About page](http://callistohouse.club/index.php/about/), interesting background. The caching is getting confused, looking into that.
>> [Thoughts of the great internet war over the right to privacy during data-in-motion encryption](http://callistohouse.club/index.php/2019/06/08/thoughts-of-the-great-internet-war-over-the-right-to-privacy-in-data-in-motion-encryption/)
>> [The logic behind ParrotTalk](http://callistohouse.club/index.php/2019/06/07/the-logic-behind-parrottalk/)http://callistohouse.club/index.php/2019/06/07/the-logic-behind-parrottalk/[PAPAS – Redesigning ParrotTalk for Automated Protocol Analyzer & Selector…](http://callistohouse.club/index.php/2019/06/08/redesigning-parrottalk-for-automated-protocol-selection/)
>> The reason I intended to write you is a request for the modernization of Cryptography assistance. In reading about TLS 1.3 [1], I read somewhere in its rfc [2], a discussion of negotiable Diffie-Hellman variants, using Elliptical algorithms. I do not believe we have such DH algorithms impl&tested, do we? There may be more specialized algorithms in use with TLS .13, as well. I have not looked deeply. As well, there is SHA512. The last item I have noticed is that the Blowfish cipher is not subclassing the hierarchy of Ciphers and so is not fully integrated into the Cryptography framework.  I am requesting that those few brilliant cryptologists who have helped to implement all of our Algorithms, take a look at new algorithms/port Blowfish and help to impl&test them, in an effort to modernize.
>> I truly feel that our Cryptography repository, aside from all the crap I have published, is filled with a wonderful tested implementation of many useful Cryptographic algorithms. I am hoping thaose few of you may consider this request graciously and dust off your chops. And dive in, so I may be able to implement TLS 1.3, for us. In particular, I would refer you to my blog post linked above titled PAPAS.
>> Also, in browsing Signal's code [3], there seems to be some interesting algorithms implemented there, including an ECPublicKey and ECPrivateKey, and an HKDF. I am considering implementing Moxie Marlinspike's double-rachet in ParrotTalk. I have no idea whether these would be useful, it seems that they may be.
>> I am fully engaged with PAPAS and would love to actually be able to use this new stuff without having to implement them myself. I appreciate you and all that you have done. Cryptography is baby's milk.
>> Kindly & many thanks for your consideration of participation,
>> Robert
>> [1] IETF's TLS 1.3 blog -  https://www.ietf.org/blog/tls13/
>> [2] TLS 1.3 RFC - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8446
>> [3] libsignal-protocol-java - https://github.com/signalapp/libsignal-protocol-java
>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>> On Sunday, June 9, 2019 5:36 PM, Robert <robert.withers at protonmail.com> wrote:
>>> Some recent posts to my blog regarding ParrotTalk :::
>>> Thoughts of the great internet war over the right to privacy during data-in-motion encryption
>>> http://callistohouse.club/index.php/2019/06/07/the-logic-behind-parrottalk/
>>> http://callistohouse.club/index.php/2019/06/08/redesigning-parrottalk-for-automated-protocol-selection/
>>> http://callistohouse.club/index.php/2019/06/08/thoughts-of-the-great-internet-war-over-the-right-to-privacy-in-data-in-motion-encryption/
>>> Kindly,
>>> Robert
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