FW: [Elections] Squeak Elections Summary

Ken Causey ken at kencausey.com
Thu Mar 8 16:09:04 UTC 2007

Oh sure, I was not considering a change of email address, clearly that
is a problematic situation.  Yes, being more proactive about getting
people to confirm that their email address is valid before sending out
invitations is the key.  Perhaps we should consider adding an extra step
before voting that requires users to confirm their email address, maybe
a week before the voting invitations are sent out.


P.S. If someone ever gets around to re-implementing SqP we could perhaps
add something that randomly requires people to confirm their email
address year round and not simply in a clump right before the election.
Of course, I suppose this could also be done outside of SqP (outside of
its implementation I mean, not necessarily visibly seperate from the
site itself, from the user's perspective).

On Thu, 2007-03-08 at 10:59 -0500, Ron Teitelbaum wrote:
> > From: Ken Causey
> > Is there no mechanism for sending them the same exact email again with
> > the same exact ID number?  If so then it doesn't matter how many copies
> > they get, they only get one vote per ID.  If not, that's very
> > unfortunate, lost emails are a nearly unavoidable situation,
> > particularly as the size of the voter pool increases which I both expect
> > and look forward to.
> >
> There is a mechanism to send the same email again.  I think the issue that
> Daniel is raising is that if a user had a bad email, they can submit a new
> email to us and have us send a second ballot.  I believe that the system
> does check that the same user from the same computer does not vote twice,
> but I didn't check to see if that worked.  The number of people that had a
> bad email was pretty small, and after I received an email from the
> administrator I was able to see that each one that we sent out had a
> corresponding bounce.  It would be much easier if the system automatically
> reported bounces, but it does not.  
> I think Daniel's solution to send out emails before the ballot, and to
> encourage people to sign in and check their email would be a good idea, but
> it should be possible to recover lost passwords from squeak people.
> Ron

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