Freaky index bug! (was Re: deprecation of MaAsciiStringIndex)

goran at goran at
Thu Aug 31 06:26:47 UTC 2006

Chris Muller <chris at> wrote:
> In doing the queries I totally overlooked this special
> case!
> I'll post a fix soon.  Sorry for this strange problem!

No worries, Magma is an advanced piece of machinery and moving forward
at a great pace given just one primary developer. We are bound to hit
some bumps here and there.

I am glad that Gjallar is pushing it a bit. :) And we are getting close
to the point where we will be banging on it seriously. I am just
starting to tinker with migrating 13000 cases into Gjallar - that will
surely be a great test.

And I also have work to do in the filter department - I only have a
spike solution working so far - the real multi query test is in the

regards, Göran

PS. Adding and removing indexes while having other Processes with
sessions (all running locally) caused other Processes to "hang" on
Semaphores etc in lower levels. I will see if I can reproduce that one
too - not that we intend to be adding/removing indexes often though.

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