some more questions

Petr petr at
Tue Mar 14 16:42:25 UTC 2006

I have some more questions about Magma. The first one is, about objects 
which can be stored. Here is 
written, that any subclasses of Set and Dictionary are not supported and 
they are not expected to work. Why? Does it mean, if I subclass a 
Dictionary, I will not be able to save it in Magma?
My second question is about about the time required to load Magma into 
my image. This is probably more a problem to be addressed to the 
squeak-dev list. When I load Magma into fresh 3.8 image, it is pretty 
fast, under 2 minutes. When I do the same in 3.9, it takes ages. It 
happens with many other packages loaded from Monticello.
Third, is this list going to be archived by Gmane? I prefer it over 
mailing, as I can easily look up things in older posts. 
gmane.comp.lang.smalltalk.squeak.magma contains only information about 
moving the list to mailman and there are no old messages and new are not 


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