
goran at krampe.se goran at krampe.se
Fri May 26 13:59:07 UTC 2006

Yo Brent and Chris!

I have been toying a bit with Chris latest - but... well, some issues of
course. Attached are some silly fixes (I think) but then I had problems
related to the fact that indexHashesFor: returns an array of hashes -
not all code like that, like for example:

	mergeAdditionsInto:where:   or   localSegmentWhere:

(the sortblock fails since the key is an array and not a hash)

The send of #isEmpty I added in one method was because the segment I got
had keys nil and empty objects. Well. :)

Another question: how is the reader meant to behave? I mean, if I send
(the one I added for convenience) asOrderedCollection to it - then I get
all objects. But if I send:

	reader select: [:each | reader includes: each]

then I get the filtered objects. But I assume I shouldn't have to do
that? :)

regards, Göran
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