Magma on Seaside 2.8 mini-image

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at
Mon Jan 14 22:20:34 UTC 2008

> [] in Installer class>>classUGlobalInstaller {[self error: 'Universes
> code not present']}
Universes is not present in that image.

All of the tools you are using have been developed for use with 3.7 and

If you want to use older images... I suggest that you familiarize
yourself with

I think that if you can get the LevelPlayingField script to run in your
image you are doing pretty well and are then more likely to succeed with
other packages.

The installer wiki has places to put scripts in order to retrofit
packages into older squeaks. At present it goes back to 3.7 but you can
add your own for any version of squeak. (the password is "squeak")

However, if your goal is a smaller image might I suggest starting with
3.10 and from there consider what could be removed. Scripts to remove
packages may be places into

Having done this an image prepared with LPF can be "cleaned" using.
Installer install: 'Clean'.

just some ideas


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