Querying strings...

Amir Ansari fractallyte at csi.com
Tue Nov 17 10:04:08 UTC 2009

If I have a library of books (say, class 'MyLibrary') which contains 
books (in a MagmaCollection), each with its own title and tags 
(strings), is it possible to query each of the tags in the string?

Here's the example code:

	books := MagmaCollection new.
	books addIndex: (MaSearchStringIndex attribute: #tags).
	books add: (MyLibrary new
				title: 'Le Morte d''Arthur';
				tags: 'magic merlin camelot');
			add: (MyLibrary new
				title: 'The Hobbit';
				tags: 'dragon ring magic').

To query the tags, I can use this code:

	foundItem := books where: [:each | each tags includesAnyOf: 'magic' 

However, this only finds tags which have 'magic' and its subStrings at 
the beginning of the 'tags' string.  Ideally, I'd like to be able to 
parse the tags string (as a subString?) so that I can query each 

For instance, the above query returns only the first item.  I can 
further refine the search:

	foundItem first tags subStrings includesAnyOf: 'camelot' subStrings

...but this isn't a solution, because I need to be able to do this in 
the actual query!

It would work if I used separate tags so that each contains only one 
word, such as tagOne, tagTwo, etc.  But the advantage of the above is 
that I can add an arbitrary number of tags to any title, so it would be 
ideal to be able to keep the schema as it is.

So is there a way to parse subStrings in the 'where:' method?  Am I 
overlooking something?  Is there a way around this?  Thanks for any 


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